What is the Brighton Chamber team cracking on with? << Back
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The theme for this year’s Summit is ‘Crack on’. It’s all about seizing the day and turning your business ambitions into reality. At the Chamber we’re cracking on every day with our busy events programme, helping our members and steaming forwards with our projects. But what about outside of work? (Yes, we do have lives outside of work believe it or not…)
Here’s a few things we’re cracking on with and getting done this year.
For Amy, it’s about making time for her writing. She says: “I love writing. Blogs, articles and short stories.
“But I go through phases of writing in a flurry, finding inspiration and getting my thoughts down on paper and then periods of severe writing drought, an absolute desert of ideas and inspiration. It’s frustrating.
“What I want to crack on with this year is creating a collection of short pieces of fiction and getting into better writing habits. My action plan? Complete a few short writing courses and find a helpful tribe to make me a better writer. No more excuses, just cracking on!”
Carrie’s ambitions are not dissimilar to Amy’s. She’s also a writer – making blogs and creative videos to tell stories about her life. Carrie said: “The goals I’d like to crack on with this year are to write more blogs, work on my photography skills and tell more stories through videos. Watch this space!”
For Bee, cracking on means seeing things through and finishing some projects. “I love being creative and I spend as much time as possible painting, sewing and drawing. My problem is allowing enough time to see an idea through to completion – I have a sketchbook full of concepts and a pile of half-finished sewing projects! It’s very easy for me to get too busy for creative stuff and it’s even easier to get excited about a new idea before finishing off what I’ve started…”
Alice confessed: “I’m a lethal combination of being both an ideas person and a huge procrastinator, which means I have a really clear sense of my goals but struggle to motivate myself to just get on and make them happen.
“For me, there’s an infinite list of things I want to crack on and do. I’ve never been outside of Europe, and I haven’t been on holiday in years, so travelling is high on my list of priorities. I’ve also been going to pole fitness classes for the last nine months, and I would love to master an inverted crucifix. Yes, it really is as terrifying as it sounds.”
Tosin’s degree in art history and museum curating (with photography! What a talented woman!) means she loves to visit exhibitions and museums. “I want to crack on with getting out to more exhibitions. Seeing shows gets my creative juices flowing which is great for work life and home life! I also love to buy beautiful books but I don’t often get round to reading all of them…”
One of Sarah’s ambitions is to use social media more effectively. She said: “My ‘crack on’ note to self is to use LinkedIn more. I like meeting people in person and chatting on the phone and I forget, or maybe I have never properly understood how, to use LinkedIn. There are so many people I know already, or would like to meet, who are on LinkedIn and it’s a great way to keep in touch and find people to work with – especially when you’re busy. I have started to post more on LinkedIn and I’m going to make time to learn how to use it better.
“When it comes to home life – my Crack on message to myself is to do more of the things I love – gardening, decorating (well I like the results!), going to concerts and seeing friends. Losing a family member this year brought home the importance of getting on and doing what you want to do.”
What are you cracking on with this year? If it involves attending the Summit, grab your ticket and we’ll see you there.